B2B content writing that makes complex topics and solutions simple and relatable

When people hear statistics alone, they remember less than 10 percent. But when that information is wrapped into a story, they remember as much as 70 percent of the information.

An award-winning book ghostwriter and editor and B2B content writer, I work with B2B companies, professionals, and aspiring authors to tell their stories. I get to the core of your message and present it in a way that’s simple to understand—and relevant to the audience. The result is compelling B2B content that establishes you and your company as more than a “business”—it establishes you as a partner and industry leader with something to say. So when prospects and clients need expert advice or are ready to buy, they think of YOU.


The e- or printed books we craft together establish you as an authority, help you break into new a field or client circles, and differentiate you from the competition. The story-based B2B content educates your audience while building connections with clients and prospects, keeping your company top-of-mind and moving prospects along the sales cycle.


I specialize in writing:

  • Manuscripts for print books
  • Case studies
  • eBooks
  • White papers
  • Infographics
  • Articles
  • Newsletters
  • Blog posts
  • B2B and lead-generation emails
  • Landing pages


Learn more about me by checking out my samples and reading about what I uniquely bring to your project.

The storytelling element, when well-told, can act as a megaphone to ensure that your company is heard above the cacophony of the marketplace.

I also have years of experience writing internal communications. Learn more at www.benefitswriter.com.


Have a project in mind? Contact me and let’s talk about it.